Friday, February 18, 2011

Prom Dress Catalogue 2010

few months ago, I received a comment that does not validate because I found offensive. However, I think that reflects what many people still think about the differences between men and women: I hear the
Dream of Love "by Frank Liszt, and say:" This could be written by a woman? ".
No. No way, woman. Stay involved. Still taking advantage of the only advantage that life has given you: Being a mother.
not want to be? No good.
Beyond the manifest stupidity of the person who wrote this (I love when rates shot silly talk about the inability of women ...), reminded me of conversations I had with many young people just have zero education and general culture and see reality without going through the filter of knowledge: more men than women geniuses geniuses.

And worst of all, is that I found people much more educated and more intelligent, they had more or less the same speech: genius is male, test is that the greatest inventors, scientists, musicians, writers, artists, are male. And his corrolaria: men are made to work fine, creative, intellectual, and women, to more mundane tasks and reproductive .

These people have no fear of contradiction: on one hand consider that be sensitive is a feminine quality, but on the other say that a woman could never have created "The dream of love" Franz Liszt (and incidentally I correct the spelling of the name.)

For these people, some facts to consider:

For a long time, and we're talking to only one hundred years ago , education was forbidden to women . They could not go to school or universities.

When the girls began to incorporate education, was to teach them to be good wives . For example, in Spain in the early nineteenth century, establishing public schools, "where the girls are taught to read and write and adult work and skills of their sex . The idea is to form good mothers with good moral values.

In 1857, the Moyano law, in force until 1970 , still needed:

"In the basic and higher education of girls is ignored studies dealing paragraph sex art º 2 º [" Brief notions of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce "] and the first and third art º 4 º [ "Principles of Geometry, Linear Drawing and Surveying "and" Outline of Physics and Natural History], replaced with:
First. Work
Second Sex. Elements of Drawing applied to the same work
. smattering of domestic hygiene "

I repeat that this law was in force until 1970.

For the Catholic Church to the education of women was only towards the cohesion of the family.

Women have been kept in ignorance for centuries up very recently, limiting their education to "work appropriate to their sex", ie, housework and caring for niñxs vegan. And today, there are people who have cynicism to say that the problem with women, they have not been equal to men in terms of scientific discoveries, inventions and creation ...

To summarize, it is a bit like if vegan esclavxs negrxs reproach had not been able to do anything to harvest the cane (well, sure there was people to think that.)

Today, although women can now go to school, college or vote (I speak of Western countries, of course, is not the case around the world), difficulties remain higher for them than for them in the workplace . For the eternal sexual discrimination, but also by the restrictive stereotypes, the pressures that women are getting to be pretty, coquettish, "feminine" (and that consumes valuable time , time that men have to develop his genius ), and the fact that housework and raising vegan hijxs remains with them largely .

Women represent over 55% of students in college vegan. So, have today the same level of education than men. You might think, then, that in the workplace, the pair continues. However, it is not the case. The good performance in college does not guarantee that women have access to the same jobs and have the same careers as men , by inequality of conditions.

is comprobadísimo hijxs get married and have benefited the careers of men, and work, slows down and hinders women.

For a male, is well regarded in your company who has a family: it shows that someone is stable, responsible, mature. For a woman, is the quasi- guarantee that no progress in the workplace and in their profession, because employers will assume that vegan is absent more often, ask for maternity leave and do not perform as a male.

And of course, and all these reasons, men earn more than women .

Anyway, here have a list of women writers by nationality. And here of women scientists (both in English).

Because that's another issue: the few women who managed to overcome the difficulties and develop its non genius have deserved place in history classes, literature or art . It has always been privileged male authors, for example. Female authors are listed, at best, in the category "women's literature," as if there was only one type of woman and one feminine style (that's why I bust cycles "Women and Cinema" or "women's literature ", as if there could be a cycle" boys and film ... This is another proof that you l Men are the norm, general, and women, the satellite, the "other" otherness ).

Finally, I leave the word Simone de Beauvoir (a writer for many times said it was more genial than his partner, Jean-Paul Sartre, but of course he is better known than her), in his monumental work The Second Sex (1947), which laid the foundations of modern feminism:
personal accomplishments are almost impossible in human categories to which they collectively held a lower status. "Where are we supposed to go with those skirts?" Asked Marie Bashkirtseff . And Stendhal: "All geniuses born women that are lost to the public." In fact, not born genius is made, and the status of women did so far this becoming impossible.

sacen The anti-feminist analysis of the history of two contradictory arguments: 1 women have not ever created anything great, 2 º the status of women has never prevented the development of large female personalities. In these two statements is bad faith and the achievements of some privileged not compensate or excuse the systematic lowering of the collective level, and the fact that these achievements are few and very limited evidence that circumstances were unfavorable to them. As Christine de Pisan said , Poulain de la Barre, Condorcet , Stuart Mill, Stendhal, she never had opportunities in any field. So today, many claim a new status, and again, their claim is being exalted in their femininity: they want of themselves as in the whole of humanity is imposed on the transcendence of immanence, they want to order them give the abstract rights and concrete possibilities without the combination of which freedom is only a mystification (*). This desire is on its way to being fulfilled. But the period we are going through a transition period, this world that always belonged to men is still in his hands, the institutions and values \u200b\u200bof civilization survive largely patriarchal. Abstract rights are far from being granted to women everywhere: in Switzerland, are still unable to vote, in France, the 1942 law remains in a weakened form of the husband's prerogatives. And the abstract rights, we just say, were never sufficient to ensure that women can have a concrete decision in the world: between the sexes, even today there is no true equality.

(*) Here also the antifeminist play with an ambiguity. Suddenly, and disregarding the abstract freedom, are excited about the great specific role to the woman who can play in this world: what is claimed? But just So, ignore the fact that the license refusal will not open any real possibility, and women complain that abstractly released for not showing his own.

(More on this text here )
This article was published in 1949. Since then, women have gained the right to vote, laws that subordinate women to their husbands have disappeared. But if the discrimination is no longer legal, there remains fact. We are far, far away, having achieved equality Simone de Beauvoir longed so for 60 years ...


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