Saturday, March 26, 2011

Birthday Invitation Requesting Gift Cards

This advances ...


mount the cops in the Plaza de San Francisco.

* Image courtesy of Manolo Morales.

Follow me on the beadle of Diario de Sevilla

Friday, March 25, 2011

Can Herpes Bumps Appear Anywhere On Body

Oxytocin, also parents

" Nothing like a mom .

Every time I hear this phrase, I have wanted to add:" not as a father. "

But I know if I say, I will open an endless debate about what are better equipped than women to care for a son or a daughter. Some people even decreed that the mother is more important than the father for the baby because they are biologically better designed for it. They cite, in particular, the role of oxytocin to explain the strong bond that develops between a mother and her baby in the first hours of its life, through childbirth and breastfeeding.

What omit to say is that oxytocin is not only the hormone that binds the mother with her baby, but the hormone that allows linking all human beings including . Even with her baby daddy .

In an article published by Ilanit Gordon, Orna Zagoory-Sharon, James F. Leckman, and Ruth Feldman in the journal Biological Psychiatry, " Oxytocin and the Development of Parenting in Humans " shows, after evaluating 160 parents just after the birth of her first baby at six weeks and six months that levels oxytocin in the parents were not different to levels observed in mothers .

Although the release of oxytocin is caused by childbirth and lactation in women, other aspects of parenthood are used to stimulate the release of this hormone in men.

One of the authors of the article, Ruth Feldman, said this finding "underscores the importance of promoting interactions Ninx father immediately after birth to activate the neuro-hormonal system underlying the linkages in humans. "

is, what some people have as the supreme test of the mother is biologically designed to be the best in charge of dealing with your baby is a fallacy also men are biologically designed for it . Simply give them a chance. And they want it to take.

And as I said in another entry , nothing prevents men try to breastfeed, or let your baby suck on your nipple, to create a deeper bond. Or simply tenerlx against your skin.
" Viva Papa" by Ana von Rebeur

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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's spring remains one months

* Full text extracted from my blog contemporary: the beadle
How are you? I would ask a favor before you get the gear to drop settle definitely, do not abuse heat dispatching is still early and it never get used to it. By the way, excuse my presumption to tutearte, why do not intend to lose respect, quite the opposite. From what I see you appear to look good, despite the fact that Libya and Japan, for reasons very different, were not prepared your return. The world just does not live in harmony and well you know. And Sevilla, did you find acceptable? I know that you have known in better times, and I can assure you that the scenario is trying not to lose the ideal behavior but unfortunately we have to settle for going.

can not complain about the reception, hundreds of orange took pains to conceal trouble delivering the best of themselves. The burst of scent is a delight with an expiration date and do not miss the opportunity and rejoice. Know your needs, but cravings Parasceve have elevated mass utopia a bright reception preceding the canopy of the Virgen de las Aguas. Past years was possible in the future will be. You esmérate and make deals that estimated for the clouds or when the time comes closer, the rest will put the city. Incidentally, you will have what you crave, enjoy the Virgen del Patrocinio and look sweet when the night of Good Friday to die without dying. Trust my words, not to mention the parcel.

long story I do not mean too much, just to reiterate my apology for having stole a couple of minutes of your precious time with palpable franqueándote overconfidence, please understand me know. If I may, I wish to conclude by issuing a message in your name to my readers: it is spring in Sevilla .

Follow me on the beadle Diario de Sevilla.

Pereira José Antonio Martín

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blueprints Of Accent Car

International Day Against Street Harassment

With much delay, it was today, I circulate this information about the International Day Against the Street Harassment .

Actually, what the site Dare / Hollaback encouraged to do to this day, it can be done any day, so we convey the information anyway.

Some things you can do to fight the evil called " compliments, or rather street harassment:
  1. Go to site Dare / Hollaback and tell their stories of street harassment to break the silence.
  2. encouraged to respond to bullies. Without being aggressive, no disrespect. We are not like them. You can find some tips on how to respond here.
  3. inform the people around you on your point of view on what they feel and think about street harassment. Debátanlo with aquellxs who think differently.
can also download the following material:

  • to distribute pamphlets:
  • Posters:
Poster 2: No Romantic

Edit of 21: A note in the English newspaper El Pais on compliments. It is seen that the subject interested!

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Planned agenda for the coming weeks

March 22:
* Meeting with Alfonso Mir, President of Mercasevilla at 13 h. in Mercasevilla.

March 23:
* General Assembly, in the fish market at 11.30 h
* Demonstration at 18 h. in the gardens of Cristina, next to Hotel Alfonso XIII.

* Judgement in Social Court No. 5 of Cristobal Gil on unemployment benefit, at 11am.

March 29:
* Meeting with Juan Espadas, candidate for mayor of Seville by the PSOE, at 13 h. PSOE in the provincial headquarters.

March 30:
* Student Demonstration at 12 am in Plaza Nueva. DAY 31,

* Judgement in Social Court No. 4 Jose Manuel Guerrero, about unemployment, at 10 h.

April 4:
* March Mercasevilla to walk from the Employment in Hytasa Avenue at 11 H.

April 14:
* pre Reconciliation Act lawsuit filed by the PSOE to the Chairman of the Works of Mercasevilla in the 1st Instance Court No. 18, in Building Viapol at 9 h.

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quotes Sword Works for the March 29 news

For March 29 called for by the candidate for mayor of Seville by the PSOE, John Swords, the works council, responding to a meeting requested by the representation workers.
However there is still no news of the PP candidate, or organization responsible for the PSOE-A, Susana Diaz, who three times has been asked to show his attitude contempt Mercasevilla workers, real victims of what is happening in the company that has become an electoral court.

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Video on Canal Sur, during Christmas 2004 and goes according to Mayor

Converse Men's Converse

Sercla Agreement and Municipality in December 2004 New car

In December 2004 an agreement was reached in the Sercla as a result of the strike that the Works Committee convened at Christmas of that year. It will be recalled the strike was called by the agreement reached by the Company Address with fish wholesalers in lower rates of products called "cephalopods (cuttlefish, squid, etc) semi. Price reductions that supposed to a decline in revenue Mercasevilla around € 500,000 annually.
The effort of workers, we had done with the ERE 2003 and a moderation in the Collective Agreement, to balance accounts Mercasevilla, this agreement with wholesalers shattered. Workers were not willing to let our sacrifices were others who took advantage, throwing back the annual accounts. And strikes in the Christmas of that year.
The result was an agreement in Sercla, which the company committed to maintain a skeleton crew of 189 workers in addition to recovering the loss of purchasing power of wages, we had resigned, to get the balance of accounts.
Two days after the agreement was produced Sercla an agreement between the city of Seville and the general secretaries of CC.OO. and UGT de Sevilla. In it, the City undertook to cover the deficits that occurred in the Company, if they violate the rights of workers and jobs, and the maintenance of public services, among others.
The following link you can see Sercla agreement:

https: / / / viewer? A = v & pid = explorer & chrome = true & Srcid = 0BwwkokBGu5B0MThhNDM1YmQtYjY2Yy00MDI0LWIwZjktMmExZWJlODIxOTFi & hl = en & authkey = CNyJ0soD

In this one you can see the document signed by the Mayor and unions:

https: / / / viewer? a = v & pid = explorer & chrome = true & Srcid = 0BwwkokBGu5B0NzcwZjBmZjMtMWQ3YS00NTkyLWEwMWQtMDE2ZmFhZjdkNmU1 & hl = en & authkey = CMf74dcO

The agreements are to meet them!

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the Judge of Instruction No. 6 on EREs of Mercasevilla

This past week, the car has been known that the judge investigating the case on the EREs of Mercasevilla, delivered in January of this year, he accused six people including a our colleague Jose Antonio Rivera Martin, which also contains an inaccuracy in the car, it picks up where he started working on the same day the record was requested. It does not have this end, we all know that Comrade Rivera, has been working on Mercasevilla, discontinuously, since 1999, we can even see the video of the demonstrations of 2004. It also calls into question some peer situations, legally Redundancy and early retirement qualifying for both the year 2003 as 2007, among which the partner Joaquin Luque (KIKI), for his age, not even investigate because he was working at that age.
Also striking in that it has hired the same number of workers who left, with the ERE 2003. While we believe that the agreement is very clearly and also forget the events of December 2004, for which we had to call a strike and what was the outcome of the agreements before the Mayor Sercla and on maintaining a minimum staff of 189 workers.
emphasize again the peers who were in the Foundation and we agreed to enter in 2007, considering that Mercasevilla and the Foundation are a BUSINESS UNIT, as has been established following its dissolution Mercasevilla taking charge of it.
also requests information from 3 partners in 2003, which supposedly did not have the age for early retirement. The agreement clearly reflects that could benefit the workers involved and until March 31, 2004, and when these partners early retirement had turned 50 years.
The link below you can access the car in question:

https: / / / viewer? A = v & pid = explorer & chrome = true & Srcid = 0BwwkokBGu5B0NGYyNmU3Y2YtOTE3OC00MmNlLTg2ZTktZGE1ZmVkNzE5Njhh & hl = en & authkey = CLTrifQM

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Men go to daycare

this note from the newspaper La Nación: Men go to daycare in malls, and think: "Wow, incredible, is" made in malls nurseries for males who do not like going to shopping vegan hijxs care of the couple? "

Not really. Nurseries are for boys themselves!
According to market research commissioned by Alto Palermo, nine out ten women enjoy shopping trip. However, the percentage drops sharply when it refers to men. Aware of this phenomenon, the developer decided prTr day care for men at the mall as it prepares to open next August in the city of Ushuaia.
I thought so too ... What a dreamer I am sometimes ...

Now, my question is whether women who do not like the mall and go shopping, like me (I hate it! Being in a confined space with so many people that all he does is walk looking despaciiiito windows makes me nervous) may access such spaces, or if they will be reserved for men ...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gold Mine Cake Design

Have you noticed? The almanac is accurate. Check it again if you do not believe me. Only one month remains . It feels, and harmonically it might add a profusion of small things universal amount to such a claim. Case of smell and taste, if you have not tasted the first torrija Set aside some time for it. Spread of ocular signs do not deceive, has passed through the Plaza de San Francisco? Do has started assembling the boxes.

blue sealer to high heaven, unpublished for the first part of Lent, which now dares to defy the doomsayers whose life itself is a storm. Sooner or later come the right time to start the ninth to the "Blessed of the Azores anticyclone, asking him to have mercy on Seville since the first dawn robe Nazarene step on the road with direction to the Parish of St. Sebastian and until Jesus announces, at the dawn of the following Sunday morning, has risen.

Tell me, went to the Brotherhood site for your ballot? Do not miss the chance and out, perfectly knows that there is most beautiful experience to accompany the headlines proclaiming her devotion to every corner of the city fortress surrounding the Faith in Christ. Is on time. Enjoy ...

. Follow me on
the beadle
Pereira José Antonio Martín

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why Do Men Have More Kidney Stones Than Women

Meetings with Alfonso Mir and the candidate for mayor of Seville by the PSOE Juan Espadas

Mercasevilla President, Alfonso Mir, has commissioned Mercasevilla Works Committee, for the next day 22 (Tuesday), at 13 am in Mercasevilla facilities to inform the committee of the situation currently facing the Company and to initiate contacts to negotiate measures help alleviate it.
On the other side today, has received a response from mayoral candidate Seville by the PSOE, John Swords, the meeting requested by the Works Council, with the appointment for the next day March 29 at 13 h.
has not received a response from the PP candidate, Ignacio Zoido or organization responsible for the PSOE-A, Susana Díaz.
Remember that so far, the works council has only been received by the mayoral candidate for IU, who undertook the works council, in maintaining the public nature of Mercasevilla and public services rendered.

Monday, March 14, 2011

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More paternity leave compulsory in France? Harvest Festival

A possible good news in France: the paternity leave could not only be lengthened, but also become mandatory. This is suggested by the president of the MEDEF (Movement of French Enterprises, the employers' organization that brings together 750,000 companies), Laurence Parisot, on the occasion of March 8, International Women's Day Workers.

And apparently, the Labour Minister, Xavier Bertrand, said he agreed, and Solidarity Minister, Roselyne Bachelot: "It would allow to end discrimination in the company and the stereotypes: men are equally able to care for their children, "said Bachelot, quoted by Agence France Presse .

Two large union confederations, CFDT and CFE-CGC, recommended even paternity leave of two months .

Today, parents in France can take up to 14 days of leave when they have a baby, but while the company can not refuse to give them is not mandatory to take all the time. Only two thirds of parents take them, for fear out of the standard and be well regarded by his company.

Turning the compulsory license, decrease employment discrimination against women , because the birth of a baby would mean for the company, an absence of both women and men. Therefore, no longer a priority to men choose when recruitment.

In France, the wage gap between men and women reaches 27% and women are the majority among those who work part time.

I find it remarkable that has been the occasion of March 8 that the president of MEDEF has made such a proposal: it is a magnificent example of sexism affects both men and women and to solve a discrimination against one sex has beneficial effects on other : in this case is completely discriminatory for men to have so little leave time when they have a baby, because if they go back to work soon, can not enjoy the first weeks of life of its newly nacidx can not create a link so fusional with your baby as you really can do Mom, no can be as present as they would like.

And give this right to create a bond with your baby help combat workplace discrimination suffered by women. In other words, all the comrades win *.

What happens in Argentina? Well counter to what might be expected, many feminists (though not all , thankfully) applauded a decision Cordoba province to extend to six months maternity leave for public employees in the province and the public and private teachers. The license is building partner, meanwhile, increased from two to eight days ...

I believe that while not stretch to at least one month mandatory paternity leave, you should not even think of extending the maternity leave. It will be good to encourage breastfeeding, but completely counter to the right of women to term.

Now another question I ask myself is: a country that legalized marriage between same sex, how determine who takes six months and who will take eight days? Why keep doing this discrimination? Even in cases of adoption, there is a difference between maternity and paternity leave. Why the difference, if in case of adoption, she does not have to recover from childbirth or breastfeeding, so that the biological argument no longer exists?

* Also, knowing that the French proposal comes from the most reactionary sector of the right, whose goal is to eliminate all the work, I wonder why now arises, what is the point where it is hidden the trap ...

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Jesus in his sovereign power

At 18.45 hours, the Governing Board of the Brotherhood of San Gonzalo, officers met in council, decided to make the transfer of its title to the Cathedral to preside over the Via Crucis of the Guilds. At this hour (22:20) Christ left the Holy Cathedral.

* Thanks to my friend Manolo Morales for the wonderful name.

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Farm Lessons A Horse Is A Horse


The First Sunday of Lent left the paradoxical feeling of inviting us to cherish a tarnished Gloria puddles. Meteorology, completely bleak, is not conducive to the churches full of people, were still queues at the various acts of domestic worship spread throughout much of the corners of the city. The weather improved as the morning Tuesday, but the Via Crucis Council official has all the earmarks will be held inside the church of San Gonzalo.

Besapiés the Christ of the Blood of the Brotherhood of St. Benedict, to the Five Wounds, in the Trinity, the Lord of the Health de la Candelaria, and the Lord of the Sovereign Power in Arrest, in the Chapel of San Andrés. Captive Polygon levees to San Pablo and the Virgin of Hiniesta. Samples of the boil slowly stimulates the senses, preparing for Palm Sunday idealized. Meanwhile, the interval is shortened spring, anyone who has in his hands provide the opportunity to go uncovering the Ark of exquisite sensation. Sundays of Lent are also days of gentle friendships, cafelito with toast, or just strolling around the city (avoiding the 'Mushrooms') observing the changes that will guide the coming of the true tradition.

(Image from the Web Cofrades friend Pictures, highly recommended)
. Follow me on
the beadle :
Pereira José Antonio Martín

White Stuff On Clitotis

has been requested meeting with PSOE and PP

The Works Committee has requested in writing last week, meeting with the Candidate for mayor of Seville by the PSOE, John Swords, as well as the PP candidate, Ignacio Zoido. Similarly
have again requested for the third time meeting with Susana Diaz, head of the PSOE-A organization.
To date, we have not received a reply from any of them.

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April 14, the Court of 1st Instance No. 18, quotes the President of the Works

By next April 14 (Anniversary of the Second Republic), at 9.30 pm the Court of First Instance No. 18, Seville, quoted Chairman of the Works Council for Conciliation Act, prior to the filing of a complaint filed by the PSOE.
That application was filed by the PSOE, by statements who conducted the President of the Company, to the Cadena Ser Demand is filed, what the press reporting, the next day and not on the statements made.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

List Of Backyard Wrestling Songs

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Portuguese song Beautiful Land and yardsticks

not pretend, to justify anything. If anything, things have been done wrong to apply the law, however what we do not fully understand or comprehend is as applied, different yardsticks when, charge, investigation and enforcement of the Act to see if anyone we said!.
Mercasevilla, part of the economic problem is suffering due to the prosecution of the sale of land, which once made. And the dilemma that it was done by competitive bidding instead. Well
in 1993, while ruling in the city of Seville, the tandem Marcos Rojas Soledad Becerril, they are sold directly to Hipercor the land where I was and are currently located, without competition or auction. At that time we were
workers the only ones who opposed because they said at the time that the operation was "bread for today, hunger tomorrow, and the events we refer.
Then, in 1998, ruling in City Hall on tandem Soledad Becerril - Marcos Rojas, you Hipercor resold to another site, adjacent or competition without the benefit auction, because I was clear who was the alienation. Workers were also the ones who were opposed for the same reasons that we opposed.

The following link, you can view documents supporting the sale of land to Hipercor in 1993:
https: / / / viewer? A = v & pid = explorer & chrome = true & Srcid = 0BwwkokBGu5B0ZmNmMjlhNWUtM2ZmMy00ZDRmLTg0MTQtYzY2OWUxYTJjYWVl & ; hl = en & authkey = CMW7p8UE

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Press release from the works council on the first "Intruder" detected in

The following link you can see the press release, which denounced the discovery of the "intruder":
https: / / / viewer? A = v & pid = explorer & chrome = true & Srcid = 0BwwkokBGu5B0M2RmZjUxYWEtNDUxOC00OTY3LTkzZmEtNjI2ZWQ2NDA4ODcw & hl = en & authkey = CKPtg8wL

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policies of some media manipulation that does not stop

On 9 March, were again manipulated by some means "dis-information", this time in some, they come to maintain strongly that our Chairman of the Company, "has taken early retirement on the record of 2007," that's contrast the news and the rest is story, but good information professionals!. Is it that they are so useless, they do not know that a pre retired person can not be president of a works council?.
and other manipulation itself to echo your comments, they hear (and they like listening), on "suspicion" and "opinions concerned" about the behavior and development of conflict in the early retirees. If they had tested the news, surely would have found that all steps and actions have been subject to discussion and voting on the retirees and unanimously approved. And many proposals from the so-called "early retirees, who have shown their discomfort" some of which they may be annoying, some of its proposals went ahead, and radical attitudes bordered convicted by the Criminal Code. Another
serving lies, it is true that who is the first attacker in the policies of early retirement, was the PP, see:
is the PP, who provides the works council, a copy of these policies and their appendices and not realize it, partly because the PP does not know Mercasevilla workers.
When the Works Committee and a fellow early retirees, they detect the intruder in two documents submitted by the PP, are directed to the Director of the Company, asking him certification that a person, not an employee of the Company. This takes a few days on the market and was the comment that the Committee had met and encountered an intruder. Comment it reaches the PP who is on a press conference the same day and at the same time that the works council issued a statement denouncing this.
Why the PP, could not denounce or the second intruder detected?. Because at the time that we detected, we informed the media while the PP. And by the way, not detected by documentation provided by Vitalia, since this firm has not provided a single paper. It was the same Directors of the Company who provided such documents requested by the Committee for Enterprise, at the request of lawyers CC.OO. and UGT, in the case of early retirement.
The question is why not contrast the news, the answer everyone wants to think that that is what freedom, however this approach comes to you to mind those movies that reflect Chicago in the years 50-60 , the last century.

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Posted in BOP Collective Agreement 2011 Mercasevilla

On March 10, was published in the Official Gazette of the Province of Seville, Mercasevilla Collective Agreement 2011.

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Sercla no agreement in the March 11

Last March 11 was held at the Sercla attempt mediation, before the labor dispute brought by the Works Committee on the discount on Absenteeism Non Plus, due to the strike of the past 29th of September.
The company insists no agreement is reached on the payment of improper deductions, although gains no benefit, whereas the prosecute this conflict, if they will create a financial loss, which then complained accounts the Company.
The attitude of the management of the Company, at this point is pure stubbornness and bitching only intention in workers who did the strike, we can qualify as a violation of the right to strike.

The following link, you can see the Act Sercla:

https: / / / viewer? A = v & pid = explorer & chrome = true & Srcid = 0BwwkokBGu5B0MDMxOWNkMTUtODk5Zi00ZGQyLTlkNDctZTZiYmNlMjczNjRm & hl = en & authkey = CLW7q-oM

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Mercasevilla ending 2010 with fewer losses than those provided

On March 9, was held at City Hall, (the Company was convened in the last minute, decided to take the City Council, with the concentration of the Works Council called on the company), Board of Directors which preparing the financial statements of 2010, which ended with a loss much lower than expected.
The losses of that year amounted to € 381,560, an amount actually much lower than in recent years.
These results, this confirms that the problem of Mercasevilla, are motivated by reasons unrelated to the activity of the same, mainly because everything in the last few years is surrounding the Company, in relation to court proceedings, especially resulting from early retirement, the immature and grounds.
situation is trying to take advantage of the "troubled waters", to make Mercasevilla, a private company as far as services are concerned, including members of the Company itself. What's
understandable is the attitude of the Government of Andalusia, which is who is this time held the Sword of Damocles, on the Company. What dark interests there to act like they are doing, leading the company to ruin, economic suffocation?.
Nothing would be served to the City Council, workers were concentrated there, along with fellow Aussa for them to get workers to Mercasevilla, we will continue to mobilize for our jobs and working conditions because we are that, workers and underprivileged, as some would have us believe. What workers need to be privileged? they have to work to support his family. The privileged are others, who live at the expense of workers without work and own the means of production.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hershey Kisses Wedding Favors Quotes


for work, last week I attended the traditional Feast of the Harvest in Mendoza. The event revolves around the election, the parade, the presentation and crowning of the Queen and the Viceroy of the Harvest.

Photo: Agencia Mendoza
are chosen from the Queens district of Mendoza, which are like the local Miss, elected shortly before the start of harvest of wine grapes in that region.

Historically, the Harvest Queen was selected among grape harvesters. One of the owners of the winery Goyenechea in San Rafael (250 km south of Mendoza) told me that in the thirties, a combine of that place had been chosen queen because shortly before the election, had manucure fact, the jury considered to have hands too soft to be picked.

Today, the choice is a simple beauty contest among all women who write. This, of course, has caused some headaches for the organizers, because the Queen of the Harvest becomes as representative of the Mendoza wine (Receives a salary for a year and a car ...), and it turns out that girls do not know how to call the main strains of Mendoza or unable to make the difference between a stainless steel tank and a cement with epoxy. .. Realizing this, now give courses in viticulture and wine ...

Well, the fact is that for three days, I felt very alone. There was hardly anyone who considers that this party is sexist .

parading women as beautiful objects seemed to you all a beautiful traditional custom (which has nothing traditional, as I explain, but anyway ...). "The girls are so cute! "they said. And the girls of eight, nine, looked at the queens of the Harvest with total admiration, as if they had been in front of real princesses to be dreaming surely, some day, and admired them for their nice face and smile.

I issued some criticism, I always read as typical of "exaggerating".

And when asked, "Why not also elect a King of Vintage? ", the answer was unanimous:" That's what the Harvest Festival Gay .

Indeed, for about fifteen years, is organized after the traditional Harvest Festival, the gay version (which in fact is called "Harvest for All" and I'll have the pleasure to attend tonight) , which will elect a King and Queen.

realized, by saying that, that I confirmed that the official Harvest Festival is, therefore, organized by men (heterosexual) and male (heterosexual) men in a world of (heterosexual) that revolves solely around the pure pleasure of men (heterosexual) in a phallocentric society (although supported by women functional system, of course).

I ask myself a question: why, if a King Harvest is for gays, is not considered that the Harvest Queen is for lesbians? Why can not there be a King of the Harvest for heterosexual women in the official Harvest Festival?

The answer is twofold: first, men "really" can not be presented as sexual objects . Males display are necessarily controls to controls. Clearly shown, displayed, is considered demeaning. And that is demeaning to be reserved for gays ... and women. In other words, a category people and reviled by society.

And the second point: women should not look at men as objects. They should not be subject of desire. Should be demure, not enjoying the sex as much as men (but enough to satisfy them and satisfy their needs), and spread the ridiculous ideas that 1) men are not as cute as women, or not worthy of being displayed and 2) women do not look like much as men: they are more in the feeling and admiration of inner beauty (or what it's bulging wallet.)

If they were subjects of desire, the roles would invested, and all evil.

That is, when women are shown, they do a world of heterosexual men who objectify women.

When males are objectified, only to be by and for other men, never by heterosexual women.

Ergo: women, if you want to see beautiful displayed as objects types, go to the Fiesta de la Vendimia Gay.

This brings up an issue I will try in another post: Is it that women want to see men as objects? Is it necessary to level down to show how something can be demeaning? I still I have no answer. What I do know is that the Harvest Festival is clearly a manifestation of the patriarchal society .

(And over on the night before the celebration, the guest of honor was Cacho Chestnut. A singer who has a impresentable item that says: "If you hold another I'll kill you / I give you a beating and then I escaped "... A symbol)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

La Roux Male Or Female

Sevilla is Lent Cofrades

"You are dust and to dust you shall return" (Gen. 3.19). Reflection on the duty of the conversion that reminds us of the inexorable aging and ephemeral fragility of human life, subject to death. The beginning of the liturgical season summed up in "Matanoeiete" ie "Repent", imperative that makes sense when the austerity of the rite becomes the imposition of ashes in the form of cross on the foreheads of those who believe in God and His Word. Ash Wednesday discovers a particularly important spiritual station accommodating the arrival of the Paschal Mystery, or whatever it is, the memory of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Lord.

The lightness of the flame that lit lit the announcement and the arrival of Baby Jesus, making today force shortening the wait in Jerusalem, it writhes Seville from Cerro San Pablo through Nervión, and from there to the Macarena, drawing a fictitious line that is real and is drawn from a line of hoods, joining with the Zurraque Triana to San Telmo, finishing from there to the Shooting Line. Sevilla is Lent.

From now on, the experiences are assailed by dethroning the fearless leadership of memories. It is time yesterday, and until the gray color of the sky has pointed to the city. Enjoy, and retain the original meanings of the newspaper minutiae miracle. Sevilla is Lent ...

Follow me on:

Pereira José Antonio Martín

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tastykake Sending To Soldiers

Cards working women

The Working Women's Day, from the Works Council, we reflect for all workers:

"Equality, Dignity begins as a person and Women."

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The Works Council agrees new schedule of mobilizations

At a meeting held in the Working Women's Day (March 8), the Works Council has unanimously agreed to launch and after analyzing the situation and developments of Mercasevilla, a new schedule of demonstrations, which concrentan in the following:
* Convene for the next event on March 23, at 18 h, with the route from Cristina to the beginning of the Calle Luis Montoto .
* Convene a walking, from Mercasevilla to the Department of Employment, for the next day April 4 at 11 h.
also agreed to support physical presence to peers, early retirees in the pending trials, to celebrate the 28th and 31st March. On the other side also agreed to focus on today March 9 at the premises of the Company coinciding with the celebration of the Governing Council.
And finally, accept the invitation of the Students' Union, to speak out with them, the next day March 30th at 12 am in Plaza Nueva.
Mercasevilla SOLUTION!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Jeep Liberty Replacing Front Shocks

Another interesting point of the carnival in Cadiz, the troupe Las Rosas Negras

Disc Golf Beer Cooler

Sighs, the More Passion

Serve these lines in gratitude for the umpteenth time, addressed to all those who have made Sighs Cofrades brother their particular corner. Recently, a large repertoire of heartening surprises has defined the future of this Blog, sailing in a calm sea that invites continuity. In short, meaning a step further on the steps of personal and cultural growth, as a spur to continue in the difficult task of combining faith, values \u200b\u200band opinion.

Again, as I said at the time, there is no better advertising to honor a selfless than that received by gestures such as this. Sighs Cofrades has been recommended from one of the most significant publications on how many brothers are held in the city. Those responsible for the Magazine "More Passion", El Correo de Andalucía, thousand thanks for remembering, for the second time, a modest server and meeting place, to illustrate one of the pages in the March edition. always here to serve you ...

(The picture quality is very good to us,
upload promise better)
Pereira José Antonio Martín

How To Develop Calluses

Pasodoble comparsa of the carnival of Cadiz The Currelantes, in tribute to Marcelino Camacho and criticizes the current situation.

What Does A High Bilirubin Level Indicate

Committee meeting is convened for Enterprise

By next March 8 has been called by the Chairman of the Works, plenary meeting of the Works, to discuss among other issues on the current status of the Company, and the progress of the labor dispute brought by discount misapplied the Strike of 29th September.

Another issue to be addressed is the attitude of the management of the Company to repay the jobs are staying vacant for several reasons, in breach of the agreements Sercla Directorate of December 20, 2004. Redemptions that are affecting the quality of public services we provide.

And finally approve a new schedule of demonstrations, which will propose a new event in late March and Walk to the Department of Employment, in early April.

Kates Play News Pohotos

March 8 meeting early retirees in Mercasevilla 1 year

On day 4, and convened by CC.OO. and UGT, was held in Mercasevilla a meeting of early retirees who together have two unions.

At the same he inquired of his efforts, with lawyers about the problems of unemployment benefits, in their dual role, claims filed by workers for their refusal, and filed by the INEM , to the people if it is granted. Everyone agreeing on the need to go to the first trials, which will be held on 28 and 31 March.

also informed of the negotiations, the statement of Finance Mercasevilla term loans that comes every month by paying the retirees and known as a lawyer, has tried unsuccessfully to join the lawsuit CC.OO. and UGT which collectively have brought on the conflict in recognition of early retirement, suing all parties involved.

On the other side of the affidavit informed the Judicial Police and on the conclusions, as well as the complaint of one of our colleagues, received legally ERE.

And finally, it raised new demonstrations, to develop in this month of March and early April.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Free Milena Velba Pic

The permission to "the beadle."

First, I apologize . I know for a fact that many of the faithful in this area have been taken without guidelines, the new path initiated by a server. A thousand pardons for not having made partaker of first-hand, as they deserved, a journey that dismounted missed last February, especially in the morning of 17. There is an explanation which I will comment briefly.

However, before let me clarify the reason for this letter and of the few contributions to the blog in recent weeks. Root to that circumstance relates to the very nature of this space, special and different as they say, because of a series of surveys that have managed to transfer more than the humble intention of its author. It was early February when we began discussions to incorporate Sighs Cofrades to Blogs Network Diario de Sevilla, responding to the changing communication needs of that entity. Finally, both parties decided that ideal was to start a new meeting between brothers, keeping it in public again today that my impressions, and it was. As I said, with date of origin February 17, 2011, requesting permission to join in the Seville area cofrade the beadle. Here is the reason that led me to choose to exercise caution as it felt deserved to see the next steps once the steps were really strong, continuing the identity here worked.

will understand, the Diario de Sevilla support translates into an opportunity , much less interesting enough to make it almost irresistible. No think in euros (not available), and I assure you not one iota participated in making the decision that I tell you, do it getting in the skin of an academically qualified young enough to not be one more in the long run (and exhausting) list of unemployed. Perhaps they will understand me better.

conclusion, personal commitment and almost devotional into this space and on any of the people who have contributed in different ways, to the propulsion. While possible, and at the edge of the horizon just drawn, I will try to supply a particular way of understanding the Holy Week. Here my home, your home .

Pereira José Antonio Martín

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Theromostat Replace Labor

Designed for moms

Sexism is also hidden in the fine print. Lo a package of baby wipes Johnson's brand. In the back of the package we explain that, "thinking in Moms , Johnson's baby gives the system easily removed, by which the wipes / washcloths are carefully positioned so that they can be removed easily and quickly. "

is, the parents never change diapers.

Or is that parents do not need the system off easily because they are much more skilled than mothers and do not need that nonsense?

I do not know, should be Johnson's asking.