Sunday, March 6, 2011

Disc Golf Beer Cooler

Sighs, the More Passion

Serve these lines in gratitude for the umpteenth time, addressed to all those who have made Sighs Cofrades brother their particular corner. Recently, a large repertoire of heartening surprises has defined the future of this Blog, sailing in a calm sea that invites continuity. In short, meaning a step further on the steps of personal and cultural growth, as a spur to continue in the difficult task of combining faith, values \u200b\u200band opinion.

Again, as I said at the time, there is no better advertising to honor a selfless than that received by gestures such as this. Sighs Cofrades has been recommended from one of the most significant publications on how many brothers are held in the city. Those responsible for the Magazine "More Passion", El Correo de Andalucía, thousand thanks for remembering, for the second time, a modest server and meeting place, to illustrate one of the pages in the March edition. always here to serve you ...

(The picture quality is very good to us,
upload promise better)
Pereira José Antonio Martín


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