Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Changing Usps Mailbox Locks

"For a Better World"

. Yesterday
Monday, January 31 at 19 pm and proceeded to the inauguration of the Exhibition art charity the Brotherhood of St. Genevieve organized in the premises of Commercial Circle. entitled "For a Better World", thus making room for the motto on which the shares are held for charity at the Corporation of Easter Monday.

usually take place when such events the scrum of personalities just eclipsing the aim pursued. That, or tiptoe without achieving the desired impact. Crossroads that tends to shift towards the first option, sometimes distorting the terms ahead of a society that maintains skepticism about our intentions (sometimes rightly).

But aside from that fact, let us focus on what really interests the thread that mentioned. And is that the aforementioned benefits exhibition will be allocated to secondary schools Musofi Likasi city, located southeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo . The Congo (formerly Zaire), one of the poorest countries if we consider the Human Development Index (HDI), which places him in the lower echelons of the list, specifically occupying the position 126 (data 2010). There, Missionary Sisters of Berriz Mercedarias , it works with the Brotherhood of St. Genevieve, offering comprehensive education to 800 students, mostly girls. Without doubt, an initiative worthy of not falling prey to indifference.

The sample has been possible thanks to the participation of more than 25 artists . Organised by the team, "Brother Jesus" within the Investigation Board of Social Action of Santa Genoveva Brotherhood , exhibiting a total of 57 works of art. May be seen during days 1 to 5 February at the Círculo Mercantil e Industrial de Sevilla (main commercial street) and from 11 am to 14 and from 17 to 21 hours.

(Image from the Web Artesacro)
Pereira José Antonio Martín


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