Sunday, December 12, 2010

Unhandled Exception Error In Gta Vice City

sexism Sexism bad or good, but in the end sexism: the case of gallantry

On many occasions, I have been the subject of sharp criticism from women who feel that the compliment is a good thing, and do not have the slightest intention of giving that place of "god" which is to worship and treated simply by including a woman.
Cost me a Peru to understand these women (and most men) gallantry is a form of sexism .

I have begun to explain one of my first entries.

Now I will try to give a theoretical framework.

There are two forms of sexism : what might be called sexism negative, aggressive, clearly discriminatory against women where women are undervalued. What psychologists Peter Glick and Susan Fiske defined as traditional sexism or hostile sexism . "

Except some troglodyte sunk, very few men profess a hostile sexism. Many believe in equal rights for women and men would not think of hitting a woman or rape, they believe that discrimination is wrong. Today, in Western countries at least only a minority of people actually believe that women are inferior .

However, there is another kind of sexism, apparently positive, which puts women on a pedestal (as long as they conform to certain criteria and stereotypes of selfless woman, sweet, condescending and good mother), which glorifies women. Sexism that Glick and Fiske defined as "benevolent sexism ."

The best example of benevolent sexism is gallantry.
Gallantry is a set of attitudes that men have with women, because are women, and have no other males, open the door, let her pass first, pay for it in the restaurant, leave the seat on transportation, etc. etc.

Why say it is a form of sexism? Well, because it clearly shows an attitude of male superiority, he feels an obligation to protect women, as women always need the protection of a man and not able to open a door or stand on the bus.

Some women, in fact, they love feeling weak and looking for that "protection" manly, and put quotes that word because I can not see what's guard to open her door.

So attitudes that seem to be respectful towards women are actually another form of sexism . That is also why it is so difficult to fight against sexism, because not all its manifestations are openly hostile to women. Some also appear to be positive and to believe both women and men that women are at a convenient position.

A research carried out on " sexism, masculinity Fenin and cultural factors" shows that "hostile sexism and benevolent sexism are a powerful combination that promotes the subordination of women, acting as an integrated system of rewards and punishments for women know 'what your site is. "Hostility alone would create resentment and rebellion by women. is obvious that men do not want to alienate women, since they depend on them. benevolent sexism weakens resistance of women from patriarchy, offering rewards of protection, idealization, and affection for women accept their traditional roles and meet the needs of men. "

In 2000, Glick and others conducted research using the ASI (Ambivalent Sexism Inventory ) held in 19 countries and a total sample of more than 15,000 people. The result is that hostile and benevolent sexism are related and this relationship is explained as legitimating ideologies complementary nations with high scores on hostile sexism were also the nations with scores higher benevolent sexism . And the most sexist men were a country, the was likely to accept women as hostile sexism and benevolent sexism.

"The benevolent sexism women use to defend themselves: c he more sexist is men, more women seek protection, idealization, and affection that offers benevolent sexism."

Y is normal. In a country where women are discriminated against, devalued, and that the demands placed on them to be respected are huge (to be good mothers, good wives, good lover without being whores, etc.. Etc.), It is understandable to seek feel valued in a special way by a gallant try. Unconsciously think, " and there will be sexism, which at least can take something positive from it ."

And some women get really aggressive when one tries to make them understand that the compliment is actually a form of discrimination because they feel that they are taking the only good thing about sexism.

But why sexism is no longer benevolent sexism. Ideally, women should not feel the need to be protected by a male. And in any case, if you need protection from aggression and violence is, not in time to open a door or get on a bus.


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