Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ferret Enlarged Spleen

Complain about something ... but defend to death

Usually, people who criticize and accuse feminism feminists hate men (without taking into account that there are male feminists) are the same who complain about sex "opposite."

Here's an example: a man complains that women, according to him, as a couple looking for men "real", or male, or masculine, and men disregarding tender and sweet that they labeled a "friends ".

This I have heard thousands of times in many places and circumstances.

Well. This man is the same decree that feminists hate men and accused of wanting to be "all equal", when, he said, men should be good men and women, women.

Now, what does it mean that men should be men and women, women? So when I ask, I answer that the men are virile, active, read a map and driving but can not find a jar of mayonnaise in the fridge and can not do two things at once (although this differs with people, some believe that it is women who can not do two things at once), and that women are sweet, patient, sensitive, has no skills with the space but they are good communicators.

This also means other things, they say, that women seek the protection of a man seeking to be the breadwinner in the household. And men, women seeking to attract them physically, be sweet and submissive .

The topic is: people who criticize the feminist claim that all I'm saying. But at the same time, criticize the other sex to be just as ... expect it to be.

Many men complain that women only men are set in strong, virile male. And many women complain that men only fix in women with nice ass and do not open your mouth too wide.

In the midst of all this, is feminism. What does feminism? That we should not pigeonhole people according to their sex. Not all men are one way, and not all other women. That we are all different as individuals , regardless of gender or skin color. That men should not necessarily be the breadwinners and women should not necessarily be self-sacrificing mothers and wives cute and sweet.

is, feminism is to reconcile the sexes, with a critique of the system that precludes the sexes. And yet, here we have the most men and women, united in their rejection of feminism, that is, in its rejection change things that they criticize .

Is not it a bit contradictory?

I think so, indeed, many women seek men breadwinners and protectors. Why? Precisely because they were sexist education: the sexist stories that tell them they have to wait for a prince to be rescued from the evil stepmother and to protect them. The toys distributed sexist way: dolls and makeup in September to prepare girls to become mothers, sexy, guns and football to prepare children to be warriors and manly. Television, which spreads sexist ideas. The ads , not only spreading, but promoted. The school, which still divide classes and activities according to students' gender. And endless etcetera.

Feminism says: no more segregated by sex, enough to educate this way, give children a real chance to choose how they want to be, not impose characteristics from birth according to whether they are girls or child. Do not put on the head of the girls that her prince charming will come to rescue and protect them. Do not get in the heads of kids who should be the breadwinners. Educate equality. change things.

And that jump the majority of men and women who criticize the other sex for acting sexist ... to defend the sexist system tooth and nail (and insults and assaults). To accuse feminism of love that we are all equal, without respect differences, when pigeonholed and that imprisons people in predetermined roles is precisely the sexist system, when people feminists want precisely to rescue the individuality of each person.

And accuse feminism to promote a war between the sexes when which opposes the sexes together is the sexist system. No feminism.

And that's how most people who complain the other sex, do not realize that it actually complains that the other sex is so precisely because sexist system. Put another way, do not realize that it actually bothers sexist system. As much as me. But rather than join the fight against sexism, sexist system to defend the death.

E s a vicious circle, because men complain that women only look for looks only breadwinners among women ... looking for home providers. They themselves are not aware of that also respond to social mandates of looking primarily beautiful women. Smart women do not seek, independent, strong, with character, in favor of gender equality and, therefore, contrary to gender stereotypes imposed by society, in short, feminists.

My friends, who of course have a gender consciousness, did not consider providers of home, but life partners, men trustworthy, honest, egalitarian. My own partners, except the last, I believe it was a tremendous error diagnostic and aim of my hand, men are sensitive, caring, not responding to sexist stereotypes.

Showing people who complain about the other sex sexism is the cause of many ills , many of their complaints, many of the oppositions between the sexes, many of the misunderstandings and conflicts, is the goal of feminism in general, and this blog in particular.


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