Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kates Playground Pleated-skirt

What is sexism? Why do I see everywhere? Status quo

Few people know what I mean by sexism, sexist system, people sexist.

Many people believe that sexism is simply thinking that men are superior to women, macho men are batterers and rapists, and end point.

Then, of course, say: "I'm not sexist because I'm not kicker or rapist, you see sexism everywhere, you're paranoid, if you say that men are sexist is because you see in every man a potential rapist ".

So, let's (and I recommend strongly to read the links I give for a better understanding of what I explain.)

First, never said that "men" are sexist . Some men are. Some women also. Not all. Not all. Although most do, in my opinion, it is true (most men and most women, clarified).

Then, the term "machismo", I prefer the word " sexism."

. What, then, sexism? Why do I say that most people, men and women are sexist?

Stated very simply, sexism is the differentiation of people into two sexes are very different from each other, which is attributed to well-defined qualities or defects. is the idea that what determines the psychological biological : you have a whistle, then you have to like this and that and act in certain ways. You have vulva (though usually not say "you have vulva" but "you have no dick" ), then you have to like those other things and act in those other ways.

If instead of "sexism," talk about "racism" is best understood . Racism is considered that human species is divided into several races (black, white, etc..), and assign to each race certain qualities or defects. Many times, extends not only to race, but ethnicity: blacks are stupid, Jews are greedy, Argentines are thieves, the French smell bad, etc.. etc. Needless to say, "you have to kill all blacks" to be racist. The mere fact of believing that all blacks are this or that way by nature (although it is a good thing) and make such distinction, discrimination between skin types, and shows a latent racism, subway, but this , which is thought to skin color or ethnic origin cause that people are this or that way by nature.

not need to say: "Jews to the camps" to be anti-Semitic. Anti-Semitism begins when you say "Jews only think of money" or "Jews are all greedy" because they generalize qualities or defects of some individuals to all members of a group, without taking into account the individuality of each one.

with sexism, same thing happens, only that humanity is divided into two : all men on one side, all the women on the other. And each group is attributed to individual strengths and weaknesses: men are violent, women are sweet; Men are good at math, women are good communicators, men can read a map, the women can take care of babies, the men change the wheels of a car, women change diapers, etc..

That's sexism, ie differ by sex (also called essentialism : think that people are so and so in essence ). Or put another way, discriminate by sex.

What is wrong with that?

Well, the fact that binary thinking that way can lead to more discrimination problematic. For example, if the person is head of business and must choose between two candidates most likely to be guided by these stereotypical beliefs about the sexes and between two candidates based their choice on the sex of the candidate and not on their real capabilities. For example, for a job in a kindergarten, elect to prepare a woman, without even bothering to check if the man is better qualified or better qualities for the job. The same, for a position in leadership is needed, choose the man, beyond the real powers and possibilities of each.

is, think the fact that sex necessarily have an influence on behavior and, above all, always has the same kind of influence can lead to discriminatory actions.

Who is sexist?

Well, as I said, almost all . Not evil, not voluntary. Not that people wake up one day and think: "OK, today I will be sexist because I'm very very screwed up."

is the system that is sexist and that makes what we are individuals too. We are born into this system, we are created in this system, and we can not criticize or question the good and simple reason nosotrxs most do not realize their existence: believe that these qualities and defects attributed to each sex are natural, are the essence of what is "being a man" or "being woman" . Or question these powers, and we are afraid that someone comes and says: "Look, things are not so by nature, not its real nature, we impose the cultural, social, because then our whole system is crumbling , and we have to rethink humanity zero. I understand that panic, and people reject it.

So sexism is not just domestic violence or rape . Sexism is also favoring a woman in a position in a kindergarten for the mere fact of being a woman, without ever seeing the qualifications of a potential male candidate.

Sexism is a child not to cry because that is a child.

Sexism is routinely give dolls to little girls and boys manly toys.

Sexism is that male or female models that television, advertising, posters, stories, films, etc. proposed to be stereotypical vegan niñxs.

Sexism is to decree to change a car wheel is male, and change diapers, women.

Sexism is decreed that some things are for boys, and some other for women.

Sexism is choosing to put a half naked woman on a billboard to sell yogurt.

Sexism is to show stereotypes in advertising, propagating stereotypes.

And all contribute, in turn, to the perpetuation of sexism. So I say that this is a system and must be attacked by all sides at once : not only combat fenónemo of violence or rape, but to modify the entire root system, changing education mentalities. Nothing will take action against violations if we do not change the system somehow, attests to the fact that many men are created with the right to speak on women's bodies (ads that are in that sense idea that when a woman says "no" actually means "yes", laughs when a child up the skirt of a girl instead of explaining that's wrong, impunity for men who harass women with compliments , etc.).

And so I see sexism everywhere: because this division of human beings into two categories (male and female) permeates absolutely all areas of society.

In this system, we both victims and accomplices .

why it is so hard to fight that system, because their victims are those that encourage ( women included) because they are unaware of its existence. We are so immersed in the system that we are unable to see it. You need something or someone to open our eyes .

I opened my eyes a feminist forum (which, unfortunately, no longer exists) that involved dozens of people, men, women, heterosexuals, homosexuals, psicólogxs, sociólogxs, teachers, students, desocupadxs, amxs home, ingenierxs, journalists, in short, everything. I arrived there with the idea that sexism to me did not affect me, who had never been a victim of machismo, he had managed to pass through their claws, and that people who wrote about sexism exaggerated and were very paranoid. It took a lot of work for my noticing awareness of reality.

Many people believe that by talking about equality, let's clear the differences between human beings and we want a uniform society. Women should be women, and men, men, they say.

Without realizing that they promote a society binary, that there are only two kinds of people, and nothing else. But I, in my struggle against sexism, not that I want one class of people, not that I want everyone to be like men or that all women be like: I six billion people classes, a class for an existing person in the world, because I think each individual is a world apart (each person is an endangered species, said one commentator here, because each is unique and unrepeatable). So, which promotes the differentiation of individuals I am. I do not want to put people into two boxes, male or female.

I want each person to find their own way, their own individuality, and if that happens to break the mold, and that a woman chooses to be a male mechanic and master gardener, then perfect .

And besides, as many people said before me: "The opposite of equality is not difference.'s Inequality."

why it is that not believe in the "difference feminism" . Because we still circling the sexist stereotypes that have taken centuries to get rid and represent a backlash , a going back, great.

But this post is already long so I will develop another about feminism of equality vs. difference feminism on another occasion.


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