Thursday, June 10, 2010

Highlights For Brown Hair And Pale Skin


scarce in these times the empathy and ability to identify with someone and share their feelings, the ability to recognize and appreciate the feelings of others. Also known as interpersonal intelligence, as the cognitive ability to feel, in a common context, which can sense a different individual. SENSITIVITY = EMPATHY.

During the painful trance we have lived and are living we feel cheated and humiliated to show abuse of power that you have had against us, breaking the rule that should govern their actions against the violation of legitimate rights of citizens. We have caused very serious damage and if you demand respect, people also want to be respected.

abuse of power or authority is the main source of moral evil and moral corruption. The principle of human ethics and morality should be to avoid the abuse of power and authority. You have been unable to discern and to have the slightest understanding of us as parents, citizens and victims of a terrifying and frightening situation.

and police authorities have a duty to ensure that victims of extreme situations the support, assistance and information they need, without discrimination. You have denied and lied in their duty hampering, hindering and creating serious injuries that have led us to take drastic determination to defend our dignity as people who have not received proper treatment and adequate to the gravity of the situation.

You signed a letter of commitment, of course rough copy of the signed by local police in Alicante, which acquired the commitment to guarantee the exercise of the rights and freedoms of citizens. Nothing is further from reality ...
In his paragraph on the Rights of the service users say:
-A officials identify and obtain information and guidance on activities and services.
-To be treated with respect and deference by officials who will facilitate the exercise of their rights and fulfilling their obligations.
-A demand responsibilities of the City Council and staff service, where legally appropriate.
-Any others who recognize the Constitution and laws.
* You repeatedly denied information and subsequently offered, much to his dismay was riddled with errors and falsehoods.

* never treated us with respect, rather with a cocky attitude and challenging.
* When we demand responsibility to the mayor about the malpractice of local police and social services, the mayor's attitude was arrogant, hostile and insulting (nothing new coming from where it came from). He preferred to believe the lies of those who never knew manipulated the sad reality and took charge of lying during the long period we were out of Almoradi.

As remedies for breach of the letter of commitment never contacted us making excuses and explanations of the reasons for the failure and corrective measures.

You started a merciless inquisition unprecedented ...
you used a third party to attack us with insults and threats ...
You try to silence the media and freedom of expression in a way insulting ...
And what show is that you have real problems taking criticism when they do things wrong and fight to beat censorship, punishment and reprisals.

long been releasing to weigh all or succumb to the consequent contempt for oneself. They say they called "Dignity", while others call it self-respect.

is time to take stock and settle accounts, not with ourselves but with certain unscrupulous, idolaters of established power, daring infidel lords transvestites dignity and with a total deficit of decency and humanity.

We fear that the fight is unfair, but also know it will be open heart and citizens who might have come back clear on what to do with so much falsehood. Damn

mangy dogs per share or omission sink their teeth into the souls of those who are stunned and suffer pain.

people's lives is beyond cowardly corporatism, as useless in uniform or suit and tie, ruthless opportunists, stomachs and grateful son of his mother both as loose ......... We have never desired
harm on anyone but those we wish that life hit as hard as he did with us.

PD. Our daughter was hit and we are not willing to be hit in our defense of Dignity and Justice Julia and we deserve. Keep
reported but pay it in their pockets and urge to prepare their case to be no evidence in court. Spend hours of study and health in their efforts because lying in front of a judge can bring serious consequences.

Antonio Angel and Bethlehem (parents of Julia, a victim of alcohol and other indiscretions committed)


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